Lucas Entertainment Lucas Entertainment

James Castle And Sergeant Miles Relax, Spread Cheeks, And Fill


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While hanging out at home James Castle and Sergeant Miles check out some porn on “Netdicks” with the clear intention of getting hot and bothered. Because when two gorgeous men like James and Sergeant are left alone with raging hard-ons, what do you expect to happen? These guys both look insane out of their clothes, and both of them are eager to fuck the other. Sergeant Miles sure loves taking a hard dick up his ass, but when James Castle bends over to show off his pretty little fuck-hole, Sergeant can’t help but climb on top and pound away. Also, if you’re a fan of Sergeant’s oral fixation, check out the 06:00 mark -- he once again proves how much he loves sucking dick. And James looks like he’s enjoying every second of it!

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James Castle And Sergeant Miles Relax, Spread Cheeks, And Fill
James Castle And Sergeant Miles Relax, Spread Cheeks, And Fill
James Castle And Sergeant Miles Relax, Spread Cheeks, And Fill
James Castle And Sergeant Miles Relax, Spread Cheeks, And Fill
James Castle And Sergeant Miles Relax, Spread Cheeks, And Fill
James Castle And Sergeant Miles Relax, Spread Cheeks, And Fill
James Castle And Sergeant Miles Relax, Spread Cheeks, And Fill
James Castle And Sergeant Miles Relax, Spread Cheeks, And Fill

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