Lucas Entertainment Lucas Entertainment

Massimo Piano Rides Rafael Carreras’ 10-Inch Cuban Dick


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The last time we got our Massimo Piano fix he was banging Derek Allan long and hard in the butt (with some beautiful Grecian scenery surrounding them). But Massimo is versatile in the sack, and sometimes he wants total service in the back door. He and Rafael Carreras hit it off on set, and we all know that Rafael has superior skill in the art of topping.  So wish granted, Massimo Piano. You want to hand your ass over completely and get fucked? Good, because Rafael Carreras is the man for the job.

Scenes Images

Massimo Piano Rides Rafael Carreras’ 10-Inch Cuban Dick
Massimo Piano Rides Rafael Carreras’ 10-Inch Cuban Dick
Massimo Piano Rides Rafael Carreras’ 10-Inch Cuban Dick
Massimo Piano Rides Rafael Carreras’ 10-Inch Cuban Dick
Massimo Piano Rides Rafael Carreras’ 10-Inch Cuban Dick
Massimo Piano Rides Rafael Carreras’ 10-Inch Cuban Dick
Massimo Piano Rides Rafael Carreras’ 10-Inch Cuban Dick
Massimo Piano Rides Rafael Carreras’ 10-Inch Cuban Dick

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