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Gabriel Taurus Tops Damon Heart Raw


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When Damon Heart is told what to do, he doesn’t stop until he knows the task is successfully completed. This is great news for Gabriel Taurus, because he gives him the task of servicing him to completion. The guys start off checking out some porn, but when two men look like Gabriel and Damon, it doesn’t take them long to focus their attention on one another. When Gabriel shows Damon his fat Latin cock, Damon puts his mouth on it immediately and sucks until Gabriel is ready to fuck some ass. Skip ahead to 23:47 to see Gabriel fucking Damon deep -- and trust me when I say he promises not to take it easy on Damon.

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Gabriel Taurus Tops Damon Heart Raw
Gabriel Taurus Tops Damon Heart Raw
Gabriel Taurus Tops Damon Heart Raw
Gabriel Taurus Tops Damon Heart Raw
Gabriel Taurus Tops Damon Heart Raw
Gabriel Taurus Tops Damon Heart Raw
Gabriel Taurus Tops Damon Heart Raw
Gabriel Taurus Tops Damon Heart Raw

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