Lucas Entertainment Lucas Entertainment

Alex Kof Gives Devin Franco His Raw Russian Dick


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Alex Kof is no stranger to giving up his ass if the opportunity is right, but he’s first and foremost a top… a Russian top… a Russian top with a really big uncut dick. All of those points appealed very much to Devin Franco, and he was excited to bottom for his fellow Lucas Entertainment exclusive model. Alex sometimes forgets just how big his cock is, so when he’s fucking a bottom bareback he might go too hard and too fast at first. But Devin is a champ that enjoys every moment he’s sucking on Alex’s cock and getting plowed in his tight, pink little fuck hole.

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Alex Kof Gives Devin Franco His Raw Russian Dick
Alex Kof Gives Devin Franco His Raw Russian Dick
Alex Kof Gives Devin Franco His Raw Russian Dick
Alex Kof Gives Devin Franco His Raw Russian Dick
Alex Kof Gives Devin Franco His Raw Russian Dick
Alex Kof Gives Devin Franco His Raw Russian Dick
Alex Kof Gives Devin Franco His Raw Russian Dick
Alex Kof Gives Devin Franco His Raw Russian Dick

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