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Brent Everett Barebacks Allen King


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Brent Everett has been a star in the gay porn industry for over 15 years, and he’s as handsome and tightly muscled as he’s ever been. It also goes without saying that his huge, fat nine-inch cock is still as hard and ready to fuck as ever. When Allen King arrived on set in Puerto Vallarta and saw Brent Everett by the pool in a Speedo, he had to have him. Brent didn’t need any convincing, and the two quickly bonded and spent a lot of time together. Their chemistry explodes when they filmed their scene together. Allen King spreads his legs for Brent and offers his hole. Brent, in turn, grabs ahold of Allen and lets all of his raw sexual energy loose, fucking him without fatigue.

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Brent Everett Barebacks Allen King
Brent Everett Barebacks Allen King
Brent Everett Barebacks Allen King
Brent Everett Barebacks Allen King
Brent Everett Barebacks Allen King
Brent Everett Barebacks Allen King
Brent Everett Barebacks Allen King
Brent Everett Barebacks Allen King

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