Lucas Entertainment Lucas Entertainment

Brent Everett Flip-Fucks With Nick Capra


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Nick Capra is one hell of a daddy. He’s tender and passionate with his bottom boys, and once they are ready, Nick amps up his energy and gets rough fucking them in the ass; it’s the only way they’ll learn to be true men. Brent Everett is immediately attracted to Nick’s masculine daddy energy, and quickly wants to please him and serve his needs. Nick Capra is more than happy to take Brent Everett under his care and show him what quality time with a top-tier daddy is truly like. And after Brent is throughly pounded out, Nick Capra spins around and gives his ass to Brent to teach him out to properly top!

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Brent Everett Flip-Fucks With Nick Capra
Brent Everett Flip-Fucks With Nick Capra
Brent Everett Flip-Fucks With Nick Capra
Brent Everett Flip-Fucks With Nick Capra
Brent Everett Flip-Fucks With Nick Capra
Brent Everett Flip-Fucks With Nick Capra
Brent Everett Flip-Fucks With Nick Capra
Brent Everett Flip-Fucks With Nick Capra

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