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Jessie Colter Takes Wagner Vittoria and Shawn Reeve’s Raw Cocks


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While Shawn Reeve does prefer bottoming, the urge to top does come over him from time to time, and when it does, it comes over him hard. Jessie Colter, a legendary bottom taker in the gay porn industry, has the power to make guys just want to pound the hell out of him, and the more cocks the better. Shawn teams up with Wagner Vittoria and they have a hell of a time double-teaming the hungry bottom whore!

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Jessie Colter Takes Wagner Vittoria and Shawn Reeve’s Raw Cocks
Jessie Colter Takes Wagner Vittoria and Shawn Reeve’s Raw Cocks
Jessie Colter Takes Wagner Vittoria and Shawn Reeve’s Raw Cocks
Jessie Colter Takes Wagner Vittoria and Shawn Reeve’s Raw Cocks
Jessie Colter Takes Wagner Vittoria and Shawn Reeve’s Raw Cocks
Jessie Colter Takes Wagner Vittoria and Shawn Reeve’s Raw Cocks
Jessie Colter Takes Wagner Vittoria and Shawn Reeve’s Raw Cocks
Jessie Colter Takes Wagner Vittoria and Shawn Reeve’s Raw Cocks

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