Lucas Entertainment Lucas Entertainment

Lobo Carreira And Jeffrey Lloyd Fuck Jerry Toriz


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Jerry Toriz is napping on a peaceful Puerto Vallarta afternoon in the Lucas Entertainment villa. And as you’d guess, he’s a vision of stunning masculine beauty. Jeffrey Lloyd and Lobo Carreira certainly think so. As soon as they both get a look at him, they wake Jerry up by manhandling him and playing with his ass. Before you know it, Jeffrey Lloyd and Lobo Carreira are taking turns fucking Jerry Toriz in both of his holes!

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Lobo Carreira And Jeffrey Lloyd Fuck Jerry Toriz
Lobo Carreira And Jeffrey Lloyd Fuck Jerry Toriz
Lobo Carreira And Jeffrey Lloyd Fuck Jerry Toriz
Lobo Carreira And Jeffrey Lloyd Fuck Jerry Toriz
Lobo Carreira And Jeffrey Lloyd Fuck Jerry Toriz
Lobo Carreira And Jeffrey Lloyd Fuck Jerry Toriz
Lobo Carreira And Jeffrey Lloyd Fuck Jerry Toriz
Lobo Carreira And Jeffrey Lloyd Fuck Jerry Toriz

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